Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Happy Easter! Monday April 5, 2010

His highly anticipated Hammock

All the Gringos watching Conference in English

Nick and his Machete

Well this was a pretty exciting week. Pretty much from Friday to today I have had a "missionary vacation" ha-ha. Here in El Salvador they celebrate Easter the whole week, its called "holy week". Friday is a special day where they make huge painting type things in the street of the Savior and other religious things. They are called alfombras. But it’s not paint or chalk, it’s actually colored salt and different weird materials. I'm going to be sending you a few pictures of it, it is one of the coolest things I have seen my whole mission! So yeah anyways that day literally nobody is in their house so we pretty much just walked around and looked at the alfrombras! way fun. We then watched conference Saturday and Sunday all day at the Stake Center. As you guys know it was really, really good. I think (ok... I know.) that this is the first year I have actually caught every second of conference ha-ha. Dad I also thought of you and the boys a lot during the priesthood session. Man that Uchtdorf is a stud! I think my two favorite talks were from him on patience and from Elder Holland. They had a separate little room where they had a TV playing it in English, so that was way nice. All the gringos in my zone watched it in there with pop and candy and snacks, it was way fun. It really strengthened me a lot. It’s really cool that like Hermana Zelada said in her email, that even though the people here are not even hearing the voice of the speaker, they can still fill the special power than the prophet and apostles carry.

Well right after the afternoon session of conference, I saw my first big rain!! it was awesome. It was raining sooo hard and I made a comment about it and my comp said, dude this is "tranquilo", not bad at all! ha-ha so i can’t wait to see what they consider here a really big rainstorm. But I got to test out my jacket and my more heavy duty shoes and they both worked great, so that’s good! Well sounds like you guys had a pretty good Easter. Adam to answer your question, no we didn’t get to tie-dye Easter eggs.. too bad huh! They have never even heard of that here, and the idea of a bunny being the representative of Easter is completely insane to them ha-ha.

Well like you guys I am soooo excited that I get to call home in a month!! How sweet is that? That’s way weird to think that I will almost have six months down when I call.. pretty cool! Like you said Brooke in some ways it seems way fast but others in seems like an eternity ha-ha. Brooke that’s sweet that Sam talked to you! I miss that kid. Tell him I said to freakin write me! Well guys I'm gonna hurry and send this so I can get some pictures in there and a little voice clip things possibly. love you all and glad you had a good conference weekend and Easter!

Love nick

p.s. My baptism is still on for this Saturday!

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