Monday, July 5, 2010

District Leader! July 5, 2010

mi querido familia,
well changes today.. everything is the same. I'm still with elder pelicó and still in my same area! its good though we´re working with some good people and I dont mind being with my companion so im happy. So just when Im getting in a comfort zone, in my area for a long time, and thinking that nothing as changed.. the Lord throws me with a curve ball like He often does. I've been made District Leader!! It´ll be pretty sweet, but I wont lie Im pretty scared. I´ll have to be doing baptismal interviews and give a district meeting every week, along with calling my district everynight and asking what they did, who they visited, blah blah blah. But I am excited for the challenge and it is a nice change of pace. So pray extra hard for me this week, I'm gonna need it. Elder Aiono had changes so he is gone... Im pretty bumbed about it. By far my best friend in the mission. But guess who is my new zone leader mom? Elder Brummond! haha funny huh. He´s a cool guy so Im excited to have him as my zone leader.

Well sounds like you all had a pretty sweet weeek! I actually was way bumbed not being able to celebrate the fourth of July.. it was pretty funny though me and Elder Aiono got a mini American flag, held it up in his room and said the pledge of aliegance haha. God bless the USA!! Man.. I can´t believe that you guys will be in Hawaii saturday... so jealous. I know you think it is bad to talk about and just makes me homesick, but don´t worry it really doesn´t that bad and I want you guys to keep me informed on what you do and send me plenty of pictures and all that good stuff. oh, and tons of video of course!!!
Thanks for all the updates about everything Brooke, I loved them. You'll be in charge of catching me up when i get back haha. ugh I want to keep writing but I can´t, I gotta go but love you and I´ll talk to you in HAWAII!!! Thanks for all your love and support.
love nick

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